Get a Clear, Complete Picture, In One Place.

Obtain real-time visibility and control across contract processes, greatly reducing risk, with a secure system to send notifications and assign time-based actions. The centralized auditable view of notifications across all contracts ensures project team members are using the same information and contractors reply within the agreed timescales.

The solution caters for many different contract types including New Engineering Construction (NEC), used on both high profile and every day projects such as infrastructure, buildings and highways; Joint Contracts Tribunal, a set of standard documents used by the building industry to deliver a project; and International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), a local representative body for national associations of consulting engineers – similar to Asite’s NEC solution but aligned to FIDIC books.

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Asite Standard Form of Contract

Contract Management

Contract Management Icon

Model contractual relationships and track contract change.
Track impacts on cost and schedule against baselines in real-time.
Easily work with custom contractual clauses.

Track Online

Track Online

Track budget, commitment, profit, and cash position in real-time.
Record potential future costs.
Receive and approve invoices from suppliers and contractors.

Financial Control

Financial Control

Complete project financial management.
Track budgets, payments, and cost changes across
your project portfolio.
Collaborate directly with suppliers and contractors.
Define cost centres, workpackages, and budgets.

Project Risk Registers

Project Risk Diagnostics

Implement standard risk control methodologies.
Record risks and collaboratively categorise and score them.
Designate risk controllers to manage risks and communicate how risks will be addressed.
Get a real-time risk profile across all of your projects.


Integrations & Reporting

Select from an extensive library of information-rich reports or easily build custom reports that can be scheduled to run at any time.

Build tailored dashboards utilizing project data that can be simply shared with teams.

Integrations & Reporting


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